Become a well.

Become a well.

Become a source rather than being a sink. Let the thirsty come to you to quench his thirst.
Even if you are a good person & wish to extend help to the people around- never go out to help.
The problem is that people will not take your assistance seriously. Also, you got to help not the ones in need but deserving. Deserving is the first & foremost condition.


Become a well.

>Let them find you.

If you are an asset to the society then folks who wish to support you in your endeavors will find you. We are not as inaccessible as people believe to be. Keep doing the good work. Have faith in your hard-work & dedication. People will flock to you.

>Become incredibly better at “something”.

You can then guide “new entrants” in the field. You can work on specific projects. Mastery is rare these days due to distractions like social media, partying culture, etc.
So, mastering one skill is the key to success in the present era.

Your stay on Earth is limited. You cannot afford to live with people who don’t deserve you.
If you are a giver then keep yourself aloof from takers. They are mere suckers. Stay away from them. A “well” is a non-living entity. It doesn’t have the choice to decide the deserving. You are a living being & have to offer services to only deserving.
If you are willing to help people out then you may just serve as an “easy target” to get instant help.

With Great Love,

Er. Amit Yadav

Life is easy..!

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